Connect with
your inner energy.

the founder of Hawk Healing Services, and I’m dedicated to unlocking connections—guiding you to discover peace, clarity, and enlightenment through every spirit's whisper and each energetic shift. Embrace your journey with me, where every session is a step closer to your highest self.


  • $105

    In this energetic offering, through Karin, connection will be made with your transitioned loved ones in spirit, your guides, and spiritual guidance teams. Karin will share with you the messages, advice, impressions, and guidance from spirit in terms of your life situations, emotional and health issues, and spiritual growth.

    Please note: Karin only works through the highest vibrations, channeling only filtered positive intention, love, and light.

    This service is offered in person as well as over zoom.

  • $105

    Karin uses a combined method of both Therapeutic Healing Touch, and divinely inspired / led healing techniques from her guides. She will guide you through meditation during the healing that will promote higher vibration, and allow you to better embrace and utilize the healing energy being brought forward for you. The main focus of Karin and spirit at this time of healing is to bring all chakras into balance and harmonious vibration, as well as remove blockages and stagnant energy from the physical body, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Healing sessions bring the client to a higher vibrational level, which facilitates more personal growth, understanding, and happiness in all areas of life.

  • *rates and further info provided upon request.

    Karin holds an End of Life Doula certificate in the province of British Columbia. She offers aid to both the client and family with end of life planning and focusses on the emotional and spiritual needs of everyone affected.

    Karin’s goal is to help alleviate the stress, and fear for clients and family from the death process, and to help all involved to lovingly process the experience as well as possible.

    Karin STRONGLY believes in FULLY respecting the belief systems of client and family, and does not deviate or impress personal beliefs at any time.

    ONLY UPON REQUEST: If a client is of the same or similar belief system (after clearly establishing), Karin is able to combine her two lines of work to provide guidance through spirit for the client throughout their transition.

  • $105

    Explore, experience, see, and feel one or more of your past lives. In this service Karin will guide you into a very deep meditation, which will allow you to access higher self and past lives. The experience is very valuable in the way of understanding self. Frequently, clients request to see lives that have overlap with their current life. Often these overlaps (or energies brought forward), can affect our present in this life in the form of unexplainable fears, feelings, tendencies, and connections. Armed with the knowledge of these overlaps, people are more proficient at understanding selves, and doing self work with that knowledge and intent. Another positive attribute of accessing a past life is gaining universal knowledge and understanding, which helps people to become more empathetic, accepting, and capable of unconditional love for all, including self.

    This service is offered in person as well as over zoom.

  • $105/hour

    Karin will come to your home or space and perform energetic cleansing through different ethnic rituals. She will remove negative and stagnant energy, as well as residual energy and unwelcome to energetic beings. This service is recommended when purchasing homes, after trauma or tragedy, new births, and losses. Many clients report the service as being effective to help deal with fear of children at night, fearful dreams, and insomnia. Post service, clients report a lighter, feeling in the house, less fatigue, less intrusive or negative thoughts, less anxiety, and a more relaxed, well state of being.

  • *rates given upon inquiry.

    Karin and her guides will help the student, learn, experience, and understand the selected, or all of following:

    • Meditation Basics

    • Grounding, self energy clearing, and protection

    • Seeing, feeling, hearing, understanding, and interpreting energy (understanding and using all the clair’s..)

    • Basic fundamental energy work and manipulation

    • Self energy balance, vibration attunement, and maintenance

    • Self healing and higher self connection

    • Meeting and working with personal guides

    • Healing of others

    • Automatic writing

    • Space clearing

    • Past life, experience and understanding

    And more! Just ask!

    Teachings will be delivered in either half hour or one hour sessions once per week with take home practices. They will be delivered and designed at a rate and which is suitable for the client. Some written or online resources may be provided depending on relevance.

    * This service is offered in person as well as over zoom.

  • *rate given upon inquiry.

    Classes have been divinely inspired /designed through automatic writing, and impression to Karin by spirit and guides to meet the learning needs of students for their intuitive development, and personal and spiritual growth.

    At this time, classes are only being offered in person, however, it will be moved to online in the near future.

    Please note: it is always recommended to have the Basic Energy Fundamentals class as a prerequisite before exploring any further classes offered. This is to promote safer, deeper, understanding of energy, and it’s working that will allow you to better receive upcoming teachings. If there is no current upcoming basic energy fundamental class, it is offered in small groups or one on one.

  • “Karin is an incredibly gifted healer with the purest soul. She connected me to my deceased loved ones, as well as connected me to my higher self. I left feeling lighter and more at peace than when I walked in. I highly recommend you see this beautiful human on your healing journey.”


  • “Energy work with Karin is a truly healing and uplifting experience. She is a skilled intuitive, welcoming and caring practitioner who creates a safe space for all. Energy work with Karin leaves you feeling grounded and connected.”
